The article below reports the close vote of the Indiana Senate to abolish the fees forced on non-union employees. An analysis follows.
Indiana Senate votes 28-22 for right-to-work bill
Published January 23, 2012
| Associated Press
- Senate has voted to approve the right-to-work bill that has prompted the legislative boycotts by House Democrats.
The Republican-dominated Senate voted 28-22 in favor of the proposal Monday evening. The bill prohibits companies and unions from agreeing to contracts that require workers who aren't union members to pay representation fees.
Republican Sen. Carlin Yoder of Middlebury argued the bill not only would help attract business to Indiana but also give workers freedom to decide what to do with their money.
Democratic Sen. Vi Simpson of Bloomington questioned whether the law was needed. She says good companies such as Honda and Toyota have expanded in Indiana in recent years without it.
Nine Republicans joined all 13 Democratic senators in voting against the bill."""""""
Once we are all in such a pickle, the Unions of course can't let avoiding the union be attractive in any way. So they've managed to, by pull, get laws that enforce fees on non-union employees, such that the heavy dues they charge their members (so as to have a $ war chest for political pull) are not viewed by their members as an avoidable burden. Heaven forbid that a worker see and be able to enter into a free, mutual contract with an employer!
Then, for the govt to pay for all the handout programs to assist those in need during the resultant dreadful economic state of affairs, what do they do - Raise taxes, of course -- on whom most - on the rich, the producers, the businesses. In the context of their businesses, though - they don't pay taxes - they just collect them for the state. Those taxes are simply added to the price of the products sold to cover the new cost of doing businesses. This is why it is so silly when 'right-wingers' grumble about the "50% who pay no taxes" -- Oh no -- they pay taxes. It's just that most of them don't know it. They pay them, and at a MUCH higher percentage of income rate - in the form of higher prices for consumable goods. The irony is fantastic! The liberals who really understand must have a hard time not blowing their soup out their noses every time they hear a poor constituent cry to raise taxes on 'the business or the wealthy.' Short of shooting a poor person in the leg, NOTHING could better keep them down.
So in the end, we all suffer -- all except the moocher type of union employee who does as little as possible and counts on the law given power of his union to keep the feed bag (paid for by all others) in front of him -- and the mass of union organizers and govt bureaucrats who live and breathe and make their ill gotten living from this rotten structure. The rest of us -- we pay for it -- higher prices and taxes for worse and less stuff, for their retirements, for those bureaucrats' schmancy dinners, for the expense of the legislators who keep it in place, for the courts to settle disputes arising over which pressure group should win any particular non objective legal battle over which group of individuals' rights should be breached and how much, for enormous bailouts when the irrationality of it comes crumpling down every decade or so, for the unemployment benefits when the businesses flee overseas, and on and on and on....
When will we learn: The rights of the individual are NOT ever to be breached in the name of the group, the tribe, the class, the 'society,' etc. without great injury to some men (usually many) for the unjust gain of others (usually few.) We did not intend to trade the tyranny of the king for the tyranny of the majority.... We intended real individual freedom. Europe never has realized this. It is a shame that we have forgotten it, or, in some cases, willfully distorted or hidden it....
Yes - Indiana did something good. Baby steps, I guess, Baby steps....