You will often hear the claim that those supporting socialism or any form of collectivism want "something for nothing." Do they still get the benefit of the doubt? I mean, do we still believe that the folks supporting collectivism in whatever form are really aiming at something for *nothing?* I frankly can't believe it any longer. I think they know exactly that what they want is "something from somebody else." Could there really be some left who think the state somehow produces wealth from which to distribute? I suppose. But it can't be an appreciable number any longer. I recommend we no longer give the collectivists even the benefit of the doubt in our common speech. There has never been, in the history of the world, 'something' for 'nothing.' Ever. And they know it. I think the reason so many are attracted to the socialists or collectivists, is that they have no experience with ...
Political, philosophical, professional, and religious commentary.