A senator has forwarded a bill that would exempt the olympians from taxes on their meritorious oppression of the differently abled competitors. I mean, their winning prizes. This is strange coming from Washington. If sacrificing is good, why would we want to prevent the Olympians from 'giving' even MORE to their country? Those tax dollars go (at about 20 cents on the dollar) to welfare recipients. Surely we aren't so cruel as to think those coddled athletes need their fancy gifts more than a welfare recipient needs his or her food stamps? Now, taxation money is going to pay the bills of every soul that walks through hospital doors. We don't think that healthy, probably rich, athletes should selfishly keep their Olympic money without handing over their fair share to help save peoples lives do we? Our post office provides a crucial service with our tax money. They even, helpfully, let everyone know about that letter and package carrying se...
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