Wrong headed liberal or collectivist ideology is frighteningly pervasive, often in forms in which it is unlikely the people involved are even aware of their infection. Well I've had it. I'm pointing at it, every time, and making a fuss. As I was watching the latest professional golf tournament, I counted at least a dozen instances in which the announcers used a phrase with subtle, skewed implications. In reference to several PGA professionals' impressive charity work, the announcers referred to the activity as "giving back." As a paraphrase, they would say, "It really is impressive, Jim, how David Toms has taken the time and made the effort to give back." Or, "you can really see that these guys think that 'giving back' is really important." Or, "My goodness it's good to see these guys giving so much back to these communities, Bob." It is not sufficiently tempting to simply write this off as benign happenstanc...
Political, philosophical, professional, and religious commentary.